That Dragon, Cancer

4.78 (27)
Numinous Games
Suggested age
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921.45 MiB

“This is where we go to remember our son Joel, up through here along this path. We want to show you who he was, and how his life changed us. Can we walk here together for a while?”

Follow Ryan and Amy Green on a journey of hope, memories, and sacred longing. Explore a world untethered from time but filled with the laughter of Joel Green, a brave knight who fought cancer for four years.

Using mostly first-person, point-and-click interaction, the player is invited to slow down and immerse themselves in a deeply personal memoir featuring audio taken from home videos, spoken word poetry, and in-game tributes to the loved ones of over 200 Kickstarter backers.

Can you find hope in the face of death?


Screenshot of That Dragon, Cancer Screenshot of That Dragon, Cancer Screenshot of That Dragon, Cancer Screenshot of That Dragon, Cancer Screenshot of That Dragon, Cancer


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Version 1.0 - Build-1a433de, published 2016-01-12

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