Ascent of Kings

3.83 (89)
Nostatic Software
Suggested age
Number of players
Download size
14.18 MiB

* Includes in-app purchases

The death of a King. An epic challenge to choose a new ruler. Will the youngest of four brothers turn out to be the strongest? Will a boy become King? The answer is up to you.

- Classic adventure-platformer gameplay.

- Explore and encounter strange creatures - some harmless, some not.

- Navigate dangerous passages and evade deadly traps.

- Seek out elemental shrines and receive upgraded abilities.


Screenshot of Ascent of Kings Screenshot of Ascent of Kings Screenshot of Ascent of Kings Screenshot of Ascent of Kings Screenshot of Ascent of Kings Screenshot of Ascent of Kings


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Version 1.5, published 2013-07-18

Developer page
Game website