Tower Master

3.45 (20)
Triangle Studios
Suggested age
Number of players
Download size
19.12 MiB

Ready to save that princess again? No you’re not. You’re going to die. Over and over again. Please don’t blame us, blame your friends!

What is it?
Tower Master is a multiplayer game in which the contestants race each other in booby trap-filled levels designed and built by themselves.

What do I do?
So you want to enter the race to the top of the tower? Well hold your horses for a moment, because first you must make a floor to enter a match! After you’re done building your cleverly fiendish floor you must prove yourself by finishing it yourselves. Only then you are deemed worthy to claim your position at the gates of the tower!


Screenshot of Tower Master Screenshot of Tower Master Screenshot of Tower Master Screenshot of Tower Master Screenshot of Tower Master


Download .apk

Version 1.0, published 2013-03-28

Developer page
Game website